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Significant Reduction in Noise Complaints Following Enhanced Event Management

We are pleased to announce the successful implementation of enhanced event management strategies for our summer music programme, resulting in a significant reduction in noise complaints and a more enjoyable experience for local residents and visitors alike.

Following the recent Soho House and DLT Presents: The Recipe events, we have achieved a notable 67% reduction in the number of noise complaints and a 73% reduction in the number of complainants to the Residents’ Line compared to the same period last year. This improvement reflects our commitment to addressing community concerns and ensuring responsible event management.

We have been collaborating closely with local residents, businesses, and other key stakeholders to enhance the overall management of park events and minimise disruption. In addition to improvements in signage, toilet provision, and communications, we have placed a particular emphasis on noise management to better the experiences of local residents. This year, we engaged Vanguardia noise management specialists to work alongside event organisers and their sound experts, providing an extra layer of monitoring and response. This strategy has proven effective, with a dramatic reduction in both the number of complaints and complainants received through our Residents’ Line in July compared to the same period last year.

We recognise that not all residents are pleased about events taking place in the park, and we are committed to addressing their concerns and working with them to minimise disruption. This progress is a positive step forward, but we will not be complacent. We will continue to do everything possible to reduce the impact on our neighbours.

The dedicated resident Noise & Complaint line is: 0203 781 0001

Key improvements for 2024 include:

  1. Enhanced Sound Management: Additional acoustic professionals present at each event, implementing recommendations to reduce bass frequencies and minimise noise disruption. The dedicated resident Noise & Complaint line: 0203 781 0001.
  2. Additional Toilet Facilities and Signage: Increased toilet facilities and signage to enhance convenience and comfort for event-goers.
  3. Enhanced Crowd Management: Improved crowd management and additional exit routes to ensure smooth and orderly dispersal after events, utilising alternative transport hubs to relieve the impact on Acton Town tube station.
  4. Community Engagement: Ongoing public consultation meetings to foster open dialogue and transparency with the community, allowing residents to share feedback and learn about projects and benefits for the local community.

The Summer Programme at Gunnersbury is crucial for the upkeep of the park, aiming to raise approximately £1.35 million through commercial activities to support ongoing maintenance and operations. This income is vital for the park's viability and accessibility, enabling the management of trees, water features, historic buildings, and improvement works to park pathways.

Gunnersbury Park & Museum remains dedicated to transparency and proactive engagement with residents to address concerns and ensure a positive experience for all visitors. The park looks forward to welcoming everyone to its summer events and continuing to serve as a vibrant community space.

For more information about park events or Gunnersbury in general, please visit our website:



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