On Sunday 24 April local residents met with Gunnersbury staff to discuss changes to Gunnersbury.
Download the presentation here
Feedback from the groups on the vision
- Vision is very aspirational - how do we move to reality
- The vision statement needs to shortened to engage - trying to be all things to everyone
- More events are needed / publicised to showcase Gunnersbury as a destination
- How can we attract tv news crews down to Gunnersbury?
- Different messages are needed to engage audiences who visit Gunnersbury and those haven't yet/ further away
- Signage could be improved for the museum / only in certain areas in the park
- More info to local libraries and increase maildrops?
- Utilise cargo bike for getting across messages
- Work with TFL for better signage from station
New board
- Opportunity for new trustees to get involved in Gunnersbury's new journey
Other areas
- How can we further utilise the buildings for use
- How can we utilise community volunteers / apprenticeships in the park and museum?
- Increase number of events here: community concerts, heritage days, outdoor theatre?
- Shuttle service for bigger events?
- Better access to the park?