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landscape of the horseshow pond, orangery and mansion

Wellbeing Week at Gunnersbury

This week Gunnersbury is celebrating wellbeing. 

Access to parks, access to green spaces and access to creative pursuits are all important for our physical and mental wellbeing. 

Over lockdown we've welcomed increasing numbers to the park, and we’ve heard from you how vital the park has been. 

"Essential to have some feeling of nature/ being in country when confined in a big city"  
"Great for seeing the outdoors and calmness."
"Extremely important - access to the park has helped my mental health, providing an opportunity to walk and breathe."
Gunnersbury Park Forest
Pond, swans, sun rise
word cloud from park survey

Particularly at this time of lockdown we want to share the best of what you can experience at Gunnersbury with activities for both the body and mind! 

David Bowler, CEO of Gunnersbury Estate (2026) CIC said

“as a recent visitor put it “parks are currently our exercise, our social lives, our therapy” and I couldn’t have put it better myself. We know we are so lucky that Gunnersbury can provide this for us.” 

We’ve teamed up with Yoga Gunnersbury Park, Ealing Eagles and Brentford FC Community Sports Trust to give you some ideas on how to you can enjoy and get some exercise in Gunnersbury Park, which we’ll be sharing throughout the week. We’ve also created some videos from the park and museum!

Wellbeing Week

First up enjoy some drone footage of Gunnersbury Park filmed on the last day before lockdown - all the way back in March!

For Tuesday it's local running club Ealing Eagles with a warm up video to help you prepare for your run, walk .. or skip around Gunnersbury Park!

For Wednesday it's Yoga Gunnersbury Park with a throwback to yoga sessions held in the park during the summer.

For Thursday we're focusing on crafting and Gunnersbury's famous quilt 'The Acton Top' - to give you some ideas for your home projects!

For Friday it's Brentford FC Community Sports Trust with a soccercise video!

For Saturday get some inspiration for your next trip to Gunnersbury Park (or to do at home) in our free activity trails

For the last day of Gunnersbury's Wellbeing Week and since it’s Stir-up Sunday we’re taking a trip back to the Victorian times for some well needed comfort food! 

Gunnersbury is here for you to enjoy, and we hope you continue to do so. 

#ForTheLoveOfGunnersbury #GunnersburyWellbeingWeek

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