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Florence Nightingale

Meet ‘The Lady with the Lamp’ and help her to tell her incredible story.

This interactive storytelling workshop is led by the costumed character of Florence Nightingale. Pupils can dress up and become different characters from Florence’s life, including her sister Parthenope, Crimean war photographer Roger Fenton, and Scutari soldiers, doctors and nurses.

Through role play pupils will discover the remarkable story of how Florence improved conditions for soldiers and became the founder of modern nursing.

"Fantastic storytelling using all the facts about Florence" Christ the Saviour School"
Duration: 60 minutes
Price: £125 per workshop of up to 32 children

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Learning objective

To discover the story of Florence Nightingale, understand the significance of her work and her influence on modern nursing.


National Curriculum links


  • The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements
  • Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally
  • Chronological narrative
  • Historical concepts – cause and consequence
  • Understanding methods of historical enquiry


  • Spoken language and listening skills, role-play, increasing vocabulary, expressing feelings


  • Geographical skills – use maps to identify countries of the UK and other countries